The Grimesville Blog
Posts tagged with Farm-Life
Black-eyed Peas Galore!
2015-08-11 15:47:00 UTCWe planted two garden beds with black-eyed peas- one bed in the beginning of April and another bed about a month later. We’ve made two pots so far and have enough to make at least four more as of right now. The second bed has just started producing within the…
Baling Hay
2015-08-05 16:43:00 UTCPros of a rainy spring = lots of hay Last year we had 9 bales of hay- this year we have 32 bales.
Buddy’s Photo Session
2015-07-27 17:17:00 UTCOur dog Buddy has been enjoying Grimesville quite a bit as well. When the spring flowers were blooming I was able to make him stay still (sort of) for a photo shoot.
Photo Shoot With Buddy
What is Buddy Distracted by?
A fly!
Will he catch it?
Farm Life Installment 4
2014-10-14 17:31:00 UTCProgress Continues …
Some good reads:The following books have step by step ways of accomplishing organic farming whether you want to do it for yourself or as a business.
Farm Life Installment 3
2014-10-06 14:23:00 UTCAll in a day’s work.