Black-eyed Peas Galore!
August 11, 2015We planted two garden beds with black-eyed peas- one bed in the beginning of April and another bed about a month later. We’ve made two pots so far and have enough to make at least four more as of right now. The second bed has just started producing within the last two weeks so we should have quite a few saved up for the next couple of months.
Aphids was our only main issue besides trying to water on a frequent and consistent basis. They are tiny black bugs that look like dirt and they eat your black-eyed peas. The best solution = lady bugs. You can usually find them at your local farm and garden supply store. The lady bugs went to town and within two days the Aphids were completely gone!
The black-eyed peas were delicious! Our recipe includes, 4 cups of black-eyed peas, 1 to 2 onions, 2 to 3 garlic cloves, beef smoked sausage or bacon, 2 to 3 tabasco peppers, salt and pepper to taste, and water. You can compliment your meal with corn bread or fried okra.